Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Have you been watching the Olympics?  I have.  Not in an obsessive way but in a fan-type of way.  There are some sports I like and some I can do without.  I like the fencing, synchronized diving, gymnastics, shooting, and archery.  I wanted to see judo and taekwondo but that was never shown on TV when I watched.  I am not a huge fan of the sports that show all the time like basketball, soccer, volleyball.   I was excited that NBC had the Ipad app but I rarely ever used it after the first weekend.  I did use the Team USA app to get ready for the Olympics.

I am just so impressed with the athletes.  Most of them are happy when someone wins a medal even if the person is not from their country.  I don't see bad attitudes when folks lose.  Well, I saw one in the girls gymnastics.  But what can I say...

I am always so excited for the Olympics when it starts and so happy when it is over.  It is so intensive for two weeks, I am exhausted.  About this time I can't wait for it to end.  I feel disappointed that I didn't get to see the sports I wanted to see and I am ready to get back to watching regular TV or a movie without feeling like I might miss some spectacular moment in sports. 

I can't believe I am watching the USA playing the USA for the gold medal in women's beach volleyball. Seems kinda wrong in some way.  Does it matter who wins in some way?  The USA will win gold and silver.  Done.

Have you been watching the Olympics?  What is your favorite sport?  Favorite athlete?  Favorite moment?

Health Update: I got a call from my RA Doc to tell me my creatinine is high.  From the MayoClinic:
A creatinine test reveals important information about your kidneys.
Creatinine is a chemical waste product that's produced by your muscle metabolism and to a smaller extent by eating meat. Healthy kidneys filter creatinine and other waste products from your blood. The filtered waste products leave your body in your urine.
If your kidneys aren't functioning properly, an increased level of creatinine may accumulate in your blood. A serum creatinine test measures the level of creatinine and gives you an estimate of how well your kidneys filter waste (glomerular filtration rate). A creatinine urine test can measure creatinine in your urine.
Friday I go for another blood test and a urine test to make sure everything is fine.  My creatinine was high in May too.  I am sure it is nothing.

Until tomorrow...

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